埃梅利·西安德(Emeli Theander)的创作融合了自由联想、潜意识探索和现实元素的映射,将复杂的内心情感与对身份、人性等主题的思考,逐渐转化为个人化符号和表达系统,从而形成了梦境拼贴画般的绘画语言。她善于在柔和抒情与强烈表现的色彩体系之间切换,经由冥想式的调色过程以及直觉性的湿盖湿画法,在笔触、颜料质感和色彩选择的精心平衡下,呈现出动与静、轻与重的对比,从而将主体置于一种介于现实与幻想之间的巴洛克式奇异景观中。 Emeli Theander's work is akin to dream collages, blending free association, subconscious exploration, and reflections of reality. Working primarily with oil paints, she skillfully employs a palette that...
Emeli Theander's work is akin to dream collages, blending free association, subconscious exploration, and reflections of reality. Working primarily with oil paints, she skillfully employs a palette that oscillates between pastel tones and more vibrant hues, transforming complex emotions and contemplations on themes such as identity and human nature into a personalized system of symbols and expressions. Through her intuitive "wet in wet" technique and carefully balanced brushstrokes, paint textures, and color choices, she presents a counterbalance of elements - motion and stillness, lightness and weight - in each painting, therefore positions her subjects in a baroque-like wonder that exists between reality and fantasy.