Indoor Weather: Curated by Fiona Xiangyi LU, WANG Shiying
Indoor Weather
Curators: Fiana Xiangyi LU, WANG Shiying
Artists: Chen Jiajun, Chen Ruofan, Chen Xiaoguo, Chen Xuanrong, Gao Xiangrui, Serena Huang, Liu Yichao, Sun Yinxiaowen, Tao Siqi, Tan Yingjie, Wu Fan, Xu Guanyu, Xu Haoyang, Xu Ruoxin, Xie Tianzhuo, Zhang Lingrui, Zhang Yongji
February 26-April 10, 2022
Design Spring, No.241-4 &.5, Cao Chang Di International Art Village, Cui Ge Zhuang, Chao Yang District Beijing (Former Pékin Fine Arts)
The mind is also a living soul. The ambient within a living space arouses unique sensation.
The residential space varies from person to person. In Heidegger’s “Dasein”, the influence of spatial structure exceeds that of time and so does that of the dwelling place. The time carrier and distributor seem to give way to the Anthropocene’s experience in space. The house built on modern technology is a private mirror where the true mingles with the false. As stated in Jean Pierre Vernant’s Myth and Thought among the Greeks, the relationship between Hestia and Hermes subtly expresses the opposition of spaces, and the goddess of virginity, who controls the internal order of the hearth, closely related to the god of transformation and boundaries, introduces openness and flow to support a center and different points.
In the moment of strategic deprivation of power, everyone becomes mediocre in pursuit of efficiency and urgency. Leisure is a poetic self-reflection, and the living space should be a sanctuary to escape from the 24/7 work. Poetic rhythm bears creation during recesses, and art is granted with the imagination of others. Linked with imagination and image, we are brought to the transition state towards the exit. Like poetic entity, it quietly melts into the activities of fingertips and steps, and becomes a part of ourselves that extends our soul. The work becomes something beyond the rules of filling and recording, thus opening up difference spaces. Feelings of anxiety, happiness and hesitation are drawn by the logic of art. In the constant transformation of material forms, when the spatial attributes of creation in the home space appear in the same or similar way, the space will be endowed with poetry and become poetry itself.
The artists of this exhibition illustrate the creative impulses in the self-cultivated space by using the exhibition areas as tools to transpose the living space. The exhibition opens up a multi-functional connection between the audience and the artworks, the residence and the exhibition space, and among artistic positions. The works catch the distinct nature of targeted living spaces, using them to form new creations. The inner experience of the space is the transfer of self-generated functions. Leisurely creation is fleeting, yet reflective of the foundations of human nature. As living subjects, behaviors, norms, and patterns always leave traces of themselves. We regard space as a container forged by our flesh. The forging blends the poetry of these works with experience, sensation and unconsciousness.
由 HAOstyle先生活、Yuan Museum、伯年艺术空间 共同策划主办,“2022北京草场地青年艺术家群展”之“间有闲时多云到阴”将于2月26日北京草场地国际艺术村隆重开幕。本次展览由陆向怡、王诗颖担任策展人,汇集了来自十七位青年艺术家的新近创作。此外,由其他四位年轻策展人分别策划的三场展览“轻重之躯”“一个干净明亮的地方”“一隅三生”也将在同期开幕。所有展览将持续至4月10日。
“2022北京草场地青年艺术家群展”,以“穿越时空的调色板”为总主题,出品人之一的金酉鸣先生与受邀的五位年轻策展人高郁韬、郭鹤天、陆向怡、王诗颖、王垚力,分别在四所原位于草场地的画廊空间内,策划了四场不同主题的青年艺术家群展。全部展览汇集共计81位出生于80、90、00年代为主的艺术家,涵盖绘画、摄影、雕塑、影像、装置等多种创作媒介,呈现多达数百件风格迥异的艺术家代表作品。探讨包括艺术家在以居所为例的自我空间中的创作模式、以艺术为线索探寻身体内部中轻与重之间的潜在关系、以绘画作为媒介展开艺术家潜意识中关于周遭环境的探索与推敲,并以展览作为平台,重述多元与包容作用于起始阶段与探索阶段的艺术家的重要性。所有展览将持续至 4月10日。
在此,特别感谢 先生活HAOstyle创始人温浩先生 和 Yuan Museum创始人宋涛先生 为“2022北京草场地青年艺术家群展”提供场地的大力支持。